Company Profile

PR Galleria was created to address agency limitations.

Agencies tend to recycle for clients their inner circle of influencers, media contacts,  and VIPs. We believe agencies actually limit the opportunities for their clients.

This results in brands lacking depth and diversity in their campaigns because they rely heavily on their agency’s limited network. This limits reach and exposure to a wider, newer audience. Sometimes brands are negatively impacted by their agencies.

PR Galleria and Pro Galleria allow brands to create dynamic, highly adaptive and rolling campaigns that target specific demographics, while utilising untapped pools of influencers, media and VIPs to reach new audiences.

Influencer, Media Management

With over 5000 invite only members, we have made it easier for brands to connect with influencers and media, through authentic and organic campaigns of product gifting, events or PR launches.

Access Our Creators

Brands turn to our creative members for their next marketing campaign. Access our pool of talent, brand ambassadors, creative professionals, media sponsorships, event opportunities, and get notified on their latest sponsorship proposals.

Back by a Real Team

The team behind PR Galleria has over 20 years experience in marketing activations, public relations, influencer management and social media marketing, event management and strategy consultation.

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