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Key questions to ask in nurturing a mutually beneficial environment for brands and influential people

Social media personalities, media identities and public icons create content and discussions in various forms such as social media posts, videos, articles, blog and amazing photos — all these involve tapping key advocates to drive a brand message to a larger audience.

While brands recognise the importance of these influencers in gaining recognition and ultimately sales from their audiences, these questions should always be asked.

Beyond the Likes and Comments, how authoritative is an influencer’s opinion?

How do audiences respond to too many sponsored content (over commercialisation)?

Are you getting the diversity of platforms? From YouTube, Instagram to Blogs and Traditional Media.

Influencer marketing is effective, but brands have to be very strategic in implementing their campaigns. They must strive to create a higher level of authenticity when using influencers to promote their message and a lot of things have to be assessed prior to anything being implemented.

Tapping into the Right Influencers

Brands should understand that tapping the right set of influencers, media and VIPs is key. It is important to be targeted, rather than engaging any influencer who has a high number of following or who has a really nice gallery of photos. This is especially necessary for brands who target a very specific niche. For example, a product for moms won’t really make sense if a teen influencer with no children posts about it.

Building on authenticity, it is always best when companies engage influencers who are actually interested in the brand. Nothing beats the power of influence when it’s delivered with credibility — an influencer speaking about a product or service because he/she truly likes it or a personality speaking about the topic because he/she has a genuine passion for it is most powerful.

We let the influencers make the first move

At PR Galleria, no matter how attractive a brand is, we give the discretion to the influencer to initiate the request. This leads to a more authentic connection with the brand. More than just creating awareness, PR Galleria aims for a mutually beneficial long-term relationship between brands and our members.

Influencer Match-Making Through PR Galleria

PR Galleria is all about capturing the right audience through the right people. This is why we have curated a list of influencers who can effectively represent brands and have high integrity value. We don’t just engage social media stars, we work with people who want to share stories that matter and stories that are valued by specific audiences. This is an invite-only privilege because we want to match our selection — real people, real experiences to the right brands.

It’s a win-win, YES. Influencers can only request for products they’re interested in and businesses will only work with people who are genuinely drawn to their offerings.

This also allows freedom of content and gives both parties the power to be creative and convincing at the same time.

With a long list of brands and a stack of credible influencers, PR Galleria aims to create genuine relationships and reciprocity in the marketing community. No need for costly campaigns or fancy invites, real influence is all about sharing genuine experiences and helping people understand brands in a clear, concise way.


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